Artikel-Schlagworte: „poland hotels“
Travelling to Poland
Poland belongs to very interesting attractions for tourists. Beside historical towns and places there are 22 national parks, approximately 1200 natural reservation and 400 protected areas. In addition, for those ones who like to relax, there are beautiful spas. One of them, Cieplice, is known since 1281.
The rich polish history has left wonderful medieval towns here which are visited by foreign tourists very often. The most famous are:
Warsaw – this city is quite young because it was not founded until the 13th century. One of the most valuable sights is the Royal Castle. The original building of this castle was destroyed during the Second World War, so nowadays you can see only a copy of it. Many of the Polish legends are connected with the Royal Castle. According to one of them in 1569 the king Sigismund Augustus, who was in mourning after death of his beloved wife Barbara Radziwiłł, asked the renowned sorcerer Master Twardowski to evoke her ghost. The experiment was successful with support of a magic mirror, which today is kept in the Węgrów Cathedral. Despite that some people suspected that it was not the Queen’s ghost but closely resembling her king’s mistress Barbara Giżanka and the whole event was set up by Giżanka’s accomplice Mikołaj Mniszech, king’s chamberlain.
Krakow –it is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. It has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural and artistic life. It is royal city where the first Polish university was found and where the first Polish book was printed.
The times when the only accommodation which could be expected in Poland was in a hostel or the traditional hospitality of a farmer´s barn have passed. Nowadays Poland has a wide network of places of stay with more opening up all the time.